Monday, July 25, 2011

Bath time with Jesus

Maybe you are just like me and you have NEVER been able to successfully commit to a "quiet time"  and you feel guilty for it. After all  every good Christian wakes up at 5:00 am to pray and read the Bible. Sunday sermons would always convince me that I was actually going to get up and do it and stick to it. Monday morning came around and I would hit that snooze button like nobody's business. Many times  I wouldn't think of my failed commitment until the next Sunday and the cycle would start all over again. Or I would think of it and I would just feel guilty that I kept failing.

Over the last year I have met with Jesus in one of the most unlikely bathtub. Is it really so crazy? The bathtub was the one place of quiet I could rely on for relaxation, rejuvenation, and a solitude for thoughts. The only problem was that meeting with myself really wasn't that exciting. I really didn’t have a relaxed mind, rejuvenated soul and my thoughts were certainly not very interesting. So I naturally began asking Jesus to meet me there. I naturally longed to listen to simple music that worshiped God in my time there. Most of all I was excited to meet Him.

Lately I have been thinking of ways to further use my uniqueness and creativity to make an exciting bath time with Jesus. I have also been trying to memorize more scripture. Today I took a dry erase marker and wrote Psalm 139:23-24 right onto the tile. This will also help remind me to scrub my shower :) I can't wait to take a bath tonight.

God has created us each uniquely. Why should our intimate time with him be anything but unique? I encourage any "quiet" time failures to be creative. Don't think your time with God has to be dry and boring. Let me know if you come up with any cool ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, thanks. Lori for sharing. This is encouraging to me. I'm bless by your uniqueness. (And I really mean that!) I struggle with the same thing. For me, sometimes I meet with Jesus (or He meets with me) in the wee hours of the night/morning after I feed Elynna and I can't fall asleep. Not my ideal time, but I try to make the most of it.
